
Vacation Diary

Explicit adult content ahead, proceed with caution!


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Previous Vacations

2017 2019

Character Profiles


Remote is a shark girl pulled from the ocean by Custard. Now they are soulbound together for life through a special kind of marriage involving two collars.

Now on land, Remote explores it together with her wife Custard. They get into all kinds of sticky situations!

Remote is a silly aloof kind of girl. She's always vacantly staring with no thought in her mind. She's much more of an act before she thinks kinda girl. She's tall and strong, and has a love for kitty cats. Remote often tries to be a kitty instead of a shark, and will meow randomly.

Remote's Closet


regular; swimsuit; sleepwear ^.^


A serval priestess from the highlands, she has a gentle and kind demeanor; however she turns into a weird pervert type girl when away from exposure to holy water for too long... Her staff is enchanted and can heal and protect, and also undress whomever she wields it on?!?

Harmonia's Outfit + Staff


Places to Visit


Fun place to explore, great resource for many many free items! Say Hi to the Zundamon outside~

Free Items

Nyan Cat GUN

love this thang

animesh companion

